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What Inspired Us!

I am constantly searching and observing for things that inspire me. Us creative types sometimes have a different way of looking at things. Sometimes a leaf on the ground is not just a leaf on the ground. It might be a color scheme that you want to recreate or a texture that you want to achieve. In my case those things mostly inspire a piece of clothing. Much to my family’s dismay I am always in research mode. I am constantly looking through magazines, reading blogs (anything from weddings, to costumes, to sewing), and (the biggest time sucker) Pinterest! I am frequently on other clothing label’s websites…looking at their new collections or their Instagram feeds with the latest candid photos. It really can be a sickness…it has to be my Capricorn nature! It is my greatest strength and my greatest weakness.

So before Beane and Company’s new collection is out, I am already researching and gathering ideas for the next season. I always start with a few inspiration boards. One to keep me focused. When the creative juices are flowing it is very easy to stray. I then end up with a season’s collection with no rhyme or reason. I also make the boards based on research and what the trends are. I take a lot of feedback based on what brides are ordering and requesting. I have learned over the years that the wedding industry is typically ahead of the fashion industry with color and fabric trends. I know it seems like it would be the other way around. The largest part of it for me, as it is for most designers, is gut instinct. I take the research and combine it with what my gut and creative mind tells me is right…and hope for the best. With a little luck you will have a piece or two that catches on.

Here are my inspiration boards for this season, what I started with way back in the beginning of 2015 when I was planning the 2016 collections.

My themes may seem a little off the wall, but my colors of choice this year were green and white.

I was also very drawn to pink and/or mint with gold.

This season I was very consumed with textures, hard vs. soft, shiny vs. dull. This board also inspired a blush and charcoal color thread, but you will see the hard vs. soft texture threaded throughout my boards.

I was also very into circles and circular patterns like polka dots and keyhole backs on dresses, circular lace patterns etc.

I was really drawn towards a nautical theme…that I think will continue from season to season. I leaned toward the green and navy nautical.

So there you have it! These are the things that inspired us, the images I constantly referred back to during the creation process. I am very proud of what Melissa and I have created this season. Our goals were to add some separates and outer wear so that we could give people the ability to make a complete look. We set our goal to be versatile for all occasions and I feel we have succeeded!

We are officially on to next season. I have already begun making boards! Here are a some sneak peeks for what we are planning for next season. Enjoy and stay tuned to see what makes the cut!


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