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What is Children's Clothing Worth to You?

First off I think we need to establish perception and perspective, so to find ourselves on more common ground. High -end children's clothing runs the gamut on affordability, and even that is subject to discussion. To some, spending $2000+ on a raincoat by Burberry for their 6 year old daughter is a small price to pay for a quality coat that mirrors the Mothers adult version.

Burberry Kids - $2795.00

Dior Kids - $596.00

While others find it a bit of a stretch on the old pocket book. Regardless, however the size of our pocketbooks, the purchasing of children's clothing is a multi billion dollar industry. According to NPD Group Inc. Consumer Tracking Service, in a 12 month period, sales of children's clothing in the U.S. reached $32.4 billion with $800 million being spent on designer lines. With mass marketing influencing the fashion market, many 'cookie cutter' designs monopolize the industry.

Garment District Downtown Los Angeles - $30.00

Yet, many parents are in search of something unique and special for their children. This is where Beane & Company comes in, high-end children's clothing that meets more in the middle when it comes to affordability, yet not lacking on quality or style. Beane & Company fills this niche with its hand made couture styling, classic sophisticated designs and one on one tailoring. You truly get what you pay for, not just a name.

Beane & Co. - $171.00

With this being said, let's turn our attention to why we buy quality clothing for our kids... or why we should. Our little princes or princesses are growing so fast! Are you really going to always dress them in cotton t-shirts and leggings 24/7? We agree, they need 'play' clothes for the park, the beach, etc. However, what about the other times? The obvious special occasions such as weddings, holidays, birthdays, religious congregations, family portraits and social gatherings. But, what about the in between days? The ones where they're paling around with you. Just like all of us adults prefer to look put together and sharp, so do our little ones. It's an outward expression of how they feel about themselves, just like it is for us. Not ALL of the time, but most of it. We've witnessed it; the t-shirt and leggings come off and the dress slips on and with it a whole new confidence; the 'princess walk', I like to call it. They feel special, the chin goes up and they feel proud. Who doesn't like to feel this way?

Beane & Co. - $220.00

Beane & o. - $259.00

We like to call them "investment pieces" and no matter what pieces you pick, just do it. Like I mentioned earlier, our little one won't be little forever. In fact, before you even know it, they'll be pulling out of your driveway waving good-bye as they drive off to college. Don't look through your pictures and discover your only links to the precious memories of your little ones, are all documented in worn out T's and jeans. Highlight some of those fleeting moments with your kids looking as amazing as you know they are!


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